Thanks for taking the time to look at my work.
I’m always looking for ways to improve the service I offer so all comments, compliments or criticisms are welcome, though as Noel Coward said ’I can stand any amount of criticism as long as it’s unqualified praise’
Emails go straight to my phone but if it’s urgent please call – if I don't answer, leave a message and I’ll respond as soon as I'm able
If I’m unavailable for a job, I’ll be happy to recommend a suitable colleague who may be free to help (see Other Photographers) because I’m good that way….
Thanks for visiting

Since you ask…
Born & raised in Scotland, I completed a B.Sc in Pure Mathematics before relocating to London to study photojournalism and launch my photographic career in 1985
Although I began working for fashion trade magazines and PR companies, I’ve worked extensively for the retail, financial, legal and technology sectors and my work has featured in many newspapers & magazines, in advertising and in annual reports & corporate communications publications
Many of my personal projects have been shown in London galleries, notably two exhibitions at Harrods and most recently my project on London's flaneurs
I taught at the University for the Arts London for 27 years; I lectured on Professional Photographic Practice, was later a tutor on the Graduate Diploma in Photography course and have also taught several courses on photographic technique & visual culture for other colleges
Over the years I’ve held workshops for many clients on effective briefing of photographers, getting press releases published and taking better pictures
My home is the tax haven & tropical paradise of Southeast London