
To Manchester's Trafford Centre, to photograph a Prada pop up on the last working day before Christmas, just before it was to be dismantled; aimed to travel up the night before (Prada did ask if I could get the first train out in the morning & return the same day but I told them that no amount of money would get me on the 5.31am from Euston) when Storm Pia brought down power lines, leading to all Euston trains being cancelled - in extremis, I'd just arranged for my partner Damian to drive up and cover the job when my train was finally called and the scene at the platform looked like that photo of the last helicopter out of Saigon.
Started shooting at 8am but the Centre let shoppers in an hour earlier than usual, not helpful when you need clear backgrounds, plus of course they only turned the overhead lights on halfway through the shoot but such is the life of a commercial photographer; a bit of fancy-schmancy software and all was well.