Other photographers are available

There are any number of photographers working in this town but I'm lucky enough to know the good ones
If I'm not able to do your job for whatever reason, then one of the following will do a fine job for you - not many photographers would have other photographers' details on their website but then I'm nice that way...
I've known the professionals below for a long time and trust them without reservation:
Karen Hatch 07966 131 907 karen.hatch@btinternet.com
Mark Turnbull 07973 640 835 photography@mark-turnbull.co.uk
Caroline Field 07702 522 526 clfphoto@aol.com
Tom Lee 07768 081 353 tomandjustinelee@btinternet.com
For photos, video or drones, Damian Prestidge is the man: 07796 696 985 damian.prestidge@gmail.com
For stills or video, Charlie Round-Turner: 07814 106 561 crt@roundturnervisuals.com