The Longest Day: June 20th 2020
As a photographer I felt that I should contribute in some way to the
documentation of our current era.
Others have done doorstep
portraits or collections of discarded masks & gloves but I prefer to
record personal impressions from my direct experience of lockdown.
walk our dog, Rita, every evening and the streets are always fairly
deserted after dark; during lockdown the evening streets looked much the
same but the feeling was very different, especially at first when I
remember feeling guilty just for being outside.
We pass some
really interesting architecture and I love being there on my own at
night. However, at some points I also look at how deserted these places
are and think how ominous they could seem and how the same scene can be
very different for different viewers.
These images of scenes
from my dog-walking route could have been taken at any time of any year
but they were all shot on the evening of June 20th 2020, the date of the
summer solstice. This is the longest of what for many are already very
long days, so shooting the pictures on that date anchors them in time &
theme to lockdown; by definition this is also the shortest night and
that seems a hopeful phrase, the opposite of the ‘long dark night of the
These pictures, all shot on that night, are really
about the ambiguity of images.
As Richard Avedon said ‘All
photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth.’